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Daryl(daryl dixon)

发布于:2022-12-13 作者:沫沫 阅读:84

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诺曼·瑞杜斯(Norman Reedus),1969年1月6日出生于美国佛罗里达州好莱坞,美国演员。1997年,他出演了自己的银幕处女作《变种DNA》。2000年,诺曼·瑞杜斯出演电影《处刑人》。2002年出演电影《刀锋战士2》。同年他还来华拍摄了电影《汉方道》。2008年出演电影《通缉英雄》。2009年出演电影《深空失忆》。2010年在AMC连续剧《行尸走肉》中饰演达里尔。2012年,凭借在《行尸走肉》中的表现获得土星奖"最佳电视男配角"提名。2013年出演电影《当铺大乱斗》。同年,在动画电影《钢铁侠:纳米魔崛起》中为惩罚者一角配音。


daryl 这个人 是双翻的创始人

有雄心的扑克就是 为大家 揭开 专业魔术手法的奥妙所在

自称双翻手法世界第一 !魔术师中的魔术师!



Since his first professional performance in 1968, DARYL has achieved extraordinary success in Magic. Using awards as a measurement, DARYL earned the gold medal at the World Congress of Magic (the "Olympics" of Magic), in Lausanne, Switzerland in 1982, and 6 Academy Awards from the world famous Magic Castle in Hollywood, California (no one has earned more). Twice, his peers voted him Close-Up Magician of the Year (1980 and 1981), twice as Parlour Magician of the Year (1986 and 1987), and twice as Lecturer of the Year (1988 and 1992). The list goes on and on with victories in every major competition he has entered.

DARYL truly enjoys what he does and his enthusiasm is obvious in his performances. He has performed many of his mysteries literally thousands of times, but his fresh performing style creates the illusion that the magic is happening for the very first time. This, combined with his ability to create magical effects and his willingness to teach others, has helped to create his well-earned world-wide reputation.

DARYL's first exposure to Magic was in 1962, when a friend of the family gave him a Svengali deck as a gift. He became fascinated with what could be done with this special trick deck of cards and his interest in Magic soon turned into a true love of the art form. After years of performing Magic for family, friends, local organizations and school shows, DARYL studied street performing in San Francisco. He performed street Magic and passed the hat by day then put on his tuxedo and performed elegant close-up shows for the patrons at the Magic Cellar nightclub in the evenings. The combination of these two totally different performing styles provided an incredible learning experience. He continued this hectic schedule for several years.

In 1973, at 18 years old, he performed his first industrial trade show for Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corporation. The company was thrilled with his performance and amazed at the custom magical effects he created to offer clients as a souvenir of the experience. They sent him all over the country to promote their products and services. Since then, DARYL has performed for a large number of major corporations around the world. As his success grew, so did requests for his performing and lecturing. DARYL has traveled the world several times, performing for magicians and lay audiences. In response to requests for information on his effects, he created a set of lecture notes that were sold at his lectures. This became the first item in what is now an extensive catalog of custom Magic effects that DARYL offers through a world-wide distribution network.

In addition to his other activities, DARYL has appeared at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., NBC's Today Show, HBO's Magical Moments with Dick Cavett, done several television commercials, and performed for literally thousands of satisfied clients all over the world. When asked about his favorite performing venue, DARYL says, "My favorite place to perform has always been the Magic Castle. Having the pleasure of working in an elegant environment for people who really know Magic is always a fantastic experience. I also enjoyed opening Caesars Magical Empire in Las Vegas. Being booked to open the facility was truly an honor."

Daryl continues to keep a very busy performance schedule, flying internationally for private and corporate shows in addition to his regular lectures for magicians. In January 2001 Daryl was honored to perform for President Bush's Inaugural Candlelight Dinner in Washington DC.

Since then he has spent much of his time performing in Las Vegas at places such as the Mandalay Bay Casino, the Monte Carlo Casino and regularly at Caesar's Magical Empire in Caesars Palace. He now has bookings to perform his close-up magic show at Caesars Palace until the end of October 2002.

他的教学 你自己去看





n. 达里尔(男子名,Darrell的异体),来源于古英语,含义是“温柔可爱”(tenderly beloved);

[例句]Stop arguing with me, daryl, and do as you're told!




全名: Daryl Martinez

是FISM 1982 近距离部门冠军 具有"世界冠军魔术家的魔术家" 头衔的魔术师 他并不是说是自称双翻手法世界第一 而是经他改良后的双翻可以称得上是世界第一 当然了 是目前最棒的双翻手法(刘谦也爱这么翻)这是鼻祖。但谁知道双翻第一个应用它的是戴弗农 最具影响力的魔术师 呵呵 他用双翻在胡迪尼面前连着做了8遍Ambitious Card Trick 而不被看穿!

Daryl的中文音译过来叫达利尔,也是我很喜欢和尊敬的魔术师,他的教学光碟被全世界的魔术爱好者和魔术师奉为扑克魔术的经典之作,但是千万不要以为他只是扑克魔术厉害,他的绳子 硬币魔术同样一流。而且他的台风很棒值得我们每个魔术师和爱好者去学习,他最经典的扑克教学光碟Daryl's Encyclopedia of Card Sleights 里面是手法真是干净利落到极致!在我眼里,魔术师就应该那样!呵呵。

下来再发表点我个人的看法,大家肯定看到过刘谦变Ambitious Card,但是知道内幕的人都看的出来,他也是在向大师致敬!!流程几乎完全一样!呵呵,大师果真是大师,影响力足见有多大


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