凯文·凯利 ,男,人们经常亲昵地称他为 (KK),《连线》杂志创始主编。在创办《连线》之前,是《全球概览》杂志的编辑和出版人。1984年,KK发起了第一届黑客大会。他的文章还出现在《纽约时报》、《经济学人》、《时代》、《科学》等重量级媒体和杂志上。
作者 | 凯文·凯利68 Bits of Unsolicited Advice。本文由36氪旗下神译局编译,译者蒂克伟
8、没有什么是 美食 不能解决的事情。一起吃顿好的对于巩固老朋友和结交新朋友都很有用。
21、当你年轻的时候,至少花6个月到1年的时间,尽可能地过贫穷的生活,尽可能少地拥有东西,在一个小房间或帐篷里只吃豆子和米饭,以体验你 “最坏”的生活方式可能是什么。这样一来,当你将来要冒什么风险时,你就不会害怕最坏的情况了。
22、相信我,这世上没有“他们”。(编者注:出自爱尔兰摇滚乐队 U2 的一首歌Invisible“There's no them / only us”)
62 一个假期+一场灾难=一次冒险。
65、如果你不知道自己对什么有热情,也要知道单纯追求快乐会让人麻痹。对大多数年轻人来说,一个更好的座右铭是 “掌握一些东西,无论什么东西”。通过掌握某种技能,你可以朝着能给你带来更多快乐的方向延伸发展,并最终发现你的幸福所在。
1. Learn how to learn from those you disagree with, or who even offend you. See if you can find the truth in what they believe.
2. Being enthusiastic is worth 25 IQ points.
3. Always demand a deadline. A deadline weeds out the extraneous and the ordinary. It prevents you from trying to make it perfect, so you have to make it different. Different is better.
4. Don’t be afraid to ask a question that may sound stupid, because 99 percent of the time everyone else is thinking of the same question and is too embarrassed to ask it.
5. Being able to listen well is a superpower. While listening to someone you love, keep asking them “Is there more?” until there is no more.
6. A worthy goal for a year is to learn enough about a subject so that you can’t believe how ignorant you were a year earlier.
7. Gratitude will unlock all other virtues and is something you can get better at.8. Treating a person to a meal never fails and is so easy to do. It’s powerful with old friends and a great way to make new friends.
9. Don’t trust all-purpose glue.
10. Reading to your children regularly will bond you together and kick-start their imaginations.
11. Never use a credit card for credit. The only kind of credit, or debt, that is acceptable is debt to acquire something whose exchange value is extremely likely to increase, like a home. The exchange value of most things diminishes or vanishes the moment you purchase them. Don’t be in debt to losers.ADVERTISEMENT - CONTINUE READING BELOW
12. Pros are just amateurs who know how to gracefully recover from their mistakes.
13. Extraordinary claims should require extraordinary evidence to be believed.
14. Don’t be the smartest person in the room. Hang out with, and learn from, people smarter than yourself. Even better, find smart people who will disagree with you.
15. Rule of three in conversation. To get to the real reason, ask a person to go deeper than what they just said. Then again, and once more. The third time’s answer is close to the truth.
16. Don’t be the best. Be the only.
17. Everyone is shy. Other people are waiting for you to introduce yourself to them; they are waiting for you to send them an email; they are waiting for you to ask them on a date. Go ahead.
18. Don’t take it personally when someone turns you down. Assume they are like you: busy, occupied, distracted. Try again later. It’s amazing how often a second try works.
19. The purpose of a habit is to remove that action from self-negotiation. You no longer expend energy deciding whether to do it. You just do it. Good habits can range from telling the truth to flossing.
20. Promptness is a sign of respect.
21. When you are young, spend at least six months to one year living as poor as you can, owning as little as you possibly can, eating beans and rice in a tiny room or tent, to experience what your “worst” lifestyle might be. That way, anytime you have to risk something in the future, you won’t be afraid of the worst-case scenario.ADVERTISEMENT - CONTINUE READING BELOW
22. Trust me: there is no “them.”
23. The more you are interested in others, the more interesting they find you. To be interesting, be interested.
24. Optimize your generosity. No one on their deathbed has ever regretted giving too much away.
25. To make something good, just do it. To make something great, just redo it, redo it, redo it. The secret to making fine things is in remaking them.
26. The Golden Rule will never fail you. It is the foundation of all other virtues.
27. If you are looking for something in your house, and you finally find it, when you’re done with it, don’t put it back where you found it. Put it back where you first looked for it.
28. Saving money and investing money are both good habits. Small amounts of money invested regularly for many decades without deliberation is one path to wealth.
29. To make mistakes is human. To own your mistakes is pine. Nothing elevates a person higher than quickly admitting and taking personal responsibility for the mistakes you make and then fixing them fairly. If you mess up, fess up. It’s astounding how powerful this ownership is.
30. Never get involved in a land war in Asia.
31. You can obsess about serving your customers/audience/clients, or you can obsess about beating the competition. Both work, but of the two, obsessing about your customers will take you further.ADVERTISEMENT - CONTINUE READING BELOW
32. Show up. Keep showing up. Somebody successful said: 99 percent of success is just showing up.
33. Separate the processes of creation from improving. You can’t write and edit, or sculpt and polish, or make and analyze at the same time. If you do, the editor stops the creator. While you invent, don’t select. While you sketch, don’t inspect. While you write the first draft, don’t reflect. At the start, the creator mind must be unleashed from judgment.
34. If you are not falling down occasionally, you are just coasting.
35. Perhaps the most counterintuitive truth of the universe is that the more you give to others, the more you’ll get. Understanding this is the beginning of wisdom.
36. Friends are better than money. Almost anything money can do, friends can do better. In so many ways, a friend with a boat is better than owning a boat.
37. This is true: it’s hard to cheat an honest man.
38. When an object is lost, 95 percent of the time it is hiding within arm’s reach of where it was last seen. Search in all possible locations in that radius and you’ll find it.
39. You are what you do. Not what you say, not what you believe, not how you vote, but what you spend your time on.
40. If you lose or forget to bring a cable, adapter, or charger, check with your hotel. Most hotels now have a drawer full of cables, adapters, and chargers others have left behind, and probably have the one you are missing. You can often claim it after borrowing it.ADVERTISEMENT - CONTINUE READING BELOW
41. Hatred is a curse that does not affect the hated. It only poisons the hater. Release a grudge as if it was a poison.
42. There is no limit on better. Talent is distributed unfairly, but there is no limit on how much we can improve what we start with.
43. Be prepared: when you are 90 percent done with any large project (a house, a film, an event, an app), the rest of the myriad details will take a second 90 percent to complete.
44. When you die, you take absolutely nothing with you except your reputation.
45. Before you are old, attend as many funerals as you can bear, and listen. Nobody talks about the departed’s achievements. The only thing people will remember is what kind of person you were while you were achieving.
46. For every dollar you spend purchasing something substantial, expect to pay a dollar in repairs, maintenance, or disposal by the end of its life.
47. Anything real begins with the fiction of what could be. Imagination is therefore the most potent force in the universe, and a skill you can get better at. It’s the one skill in life that benefits from ignoring what everyone else knows.
48. When crisis and disaster strike, don’t waste them. No problems, no progress.
49. On vacation, go to the most remote place on your itinerary first, bypassing the cities. You’ll maximize the shock of otherness in the remote, and then later you’ll welcome the familiar comforts of a city on the way back.ADVERTISEMENT - CONTINUE READING BELOW
50. When you get an invitation to do something in the future, ask yourself: Would you accept this if it was scheduled for tomorrow? Not too many promises will pass that immediacy filter.
51. Don’t say anything about someone in email you would not be comfortable saying to them directly, because eventually they will read it.
52. If you desperately need a job, you are just another problem for a boss; if you can solve many of the problems the boss has right now, you are hired. To be hired, think like your boss.
53. Art is in what you leave out.
54. Acquiring things will rarely bring you deep satisfaction. But acquiring experiences will.
55. Rule of seven in research. You can find out anything if you are willing to go seven levels. If the first source you ask doesn’t know, ask them whom you should ask next, and so on down the line. If you are willing to go to the seventh source, you’ll almost always get your answer.
56. How to apologize: quickly, specifically, sincerely.
57. Don’t ever respond to a solicitation or a proposal on the phone. The urgency is a disguise.
58. When someone is nasty, rude, hateful, or mean with you, pretend they have a disease. That makes it easier to have empathy toward them, which can soften the conflict.
59. Eliminating clutter makes room for your true treasures.ADVERTISEMENT - CONTINUE READING BELOW
60. You really don’t want to be famous. Read the biography of any famous person.
61. Experience is overrated. When hiring, hire for aptitude, train for skills. Most really amazing or great things are done by people doing them for the first time.
62. A vacation + a disaster = an adventure.
63. Buying tools: Start by buying the absolute cheapest tools you can find. Upgrade the ones you use a lot. If you wind up using some tool for a job, buy the very best you can afford.
64. Learn how to take a 20-minute power nap without embarrassment.
65. Following your bliss is a recipe for paralysis if you don’t know what you are passionate about. A better motto for most youth is “Master something, anything.” Through mastery of one thing, you can drift toward extensions of that mastery that bring you more joy and eventually discover where your bliss is.
66. I’m positive that in 100 years much of what I take to be true today will be proved wrong, maybe even embarrassingly wrong, and I try really hard to identify what it is that I am wrong about today.
67. Over the long term, the future is decided by optimists. To be an optimist, you don’t have to ignore all the many problems we create; you just have to imagine improving our capacity to solve problems.
68. The universe is conspiring behind your back to make you a success. This will be much easier to do if you embrace this pronoia.This post originally appeared on KK.org. Republished by permission of the author.
凯文·凯利 ,人们经常亲昵地称他为 (KK),《连线》(Wired)杂志创始主编。在创办《连线》之前,是《全球概览》杂志(The Whole Earth Catalog,乔布斯最喜欢的杂志)的编辑和出版人。凯文·凯利被看作是“网络文化”(Cyberculture)的发言人和观察者,也有人称之为“游侠”(maverick)。
27岁在耶路撒冷,凯文·凯利经历了一次神奇的体验,他觉得自己的寿命只有6个月,于是孝顺父母,广为布施,看望亲友,然后在万圣节之夜“死”去。回到美国后,这个在精神上经历过一次“死亡”的人,骑自行车跋涉5 000英里,横穿整个美国,体验生命的光辉。
1981年,凯文·凯利创办了自己的杂志《步行》(Walking Journal)。他曾是《全球评论》、《信号》、《全球概览》的编辑和重要的撰稿人,他的文章在《经济学人》、《纽约时报》、《时代》周刊、《科学》杂志等重量级媒体上广受赞誉。他参与创办的全球电子链接WELL(Whole Earth eLectronic Link)迄今仍然是最具人气、最有智慧的社区之一。
1999年,著名导演沃卓斯基在拍摄大片《黑客帝国》(Matrix)时,凯文·凯利的著作《失控》(Out of Control)曾被指定为全体演职人员必读的三本书之一。
全名为《失控:机器、社会与经济的新生物学》(Out of Control: The New Biology of Machines, Social Systems, and the Economic World)。
2010年10月14日,凯文·凯利(Kevin Kelly)的第三部作品《WhatTechnology Wants》由Viking Adult出版社出版。2011年01月中信出版社在中国出版发行。
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