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发布于:2022-12-01 作者:沫沫 阅读:67



Robyn的《Handle Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Handle Me


专辑:Lifestyle2 - Dance Grooves Vol 1

Robyn - Handle Me

Yeah, I heard about some guy

that you beat pretty bad and got in the papers

Sure, you own a cool bar

and I hear you get far with every waitress

Yeah, I saw you on the poster your song is the bomb

and you're outrageous

Sure, I see you're livin' large

with your crib and your cars

and that's just great but..

Let me tell you how it be

You won't get with this you see

Cause you can't handle me

Yeah, you make your big move

and I see you're not used to being rejected

Sure, you makin' that call to your guy

and I'm sure you're well connected

Yeah, judging from that line you just passed

you are well known and respected

Sure, would me and my girls

come participate in something you directed

Let me tell you how it be

You won't get with this you see

Cause you can't handle me

It's a simple fact

that you can't seem to handle me

No matter how you act with them

you can't handle me

You gotta make me feel you got my back

but you're a selfish narcissistic psycho

freaking bootlicking nazi creep

and you can't handle me

Yeah, I think you're kinda cute

when you try and act like you ain't lookin'

Sure, I think you're kinda fly

and your ride sure is off the hook

Yeah, bet you could take my mind off things

for some time and take me shoppin'

Sure, you writin' those rhymes

and the acts you produce are really kickin'


Let me tell you how it be

You won't get with this you see

Cause you can't handle me

It's a simple fact

that you can't seem to handle me

No matter how you act with them

you can't handle me

It's a simple fact

that you can't seem to handle me

No matter how you act with them

you can't handle me

You gotta make me feel you got my back

but you're a selfish narcissistic psycho

freaking bootlicking nazi creep

and you can't handle me

Yeah, I heard about some guy

that you beat pretty bad and got in the papers

Sure, you own a cool bar

and I hear you get far with every waitress

Yeah, I saw you on the poster your song is the bomb

and you're outrageous

Sure, I see you're livin' large

with your crib and your cars

and that's just great but..

Let me tell you how it be

You won't get with this you see

Cause you can't handle me

It's a simple fact

that you can't seem to handle me

No matter how you act with them

you can't handle me

It's a simple fact

that you can't seem to handle me

No matter how you act with them

you can't handle me

You gotta make me feel you got my back

but you're a selfish narcissistic psycho

freaking bootlicking nazi creep

and you can't handle me

Larry Cheng Kevin Boul, share with you!

小甜甜 布莱尼 个人资料

布兰妮·简·斯皮尔斯(Britney Jean Spears)(1981年12月2日-)美国籍歌手,她是继芭芭拉·史翠珊和麦当娜之后又一位世界级流行天后。

于1999年开始步入歌坛,以《Baby One More Time》一曲而紫遍全球。创下了首张专辑全球总销量2500万张的销量记录。使她刚出道就一步上位,跻身于国际巨星之列。


出道以来她以漂亮性感的形象和甜美灵动的声音深入人心,是当代最有实力的偶像歌手之一,先后推出了《Baby One More Time》,《Oops!... I Did It Again》,《Britney》,《In The Zone》, 《Blackout》等,这些专辑里的歌曲一度都成为传唱度极高的歌曲,加上张张都很理想的专辑销量,布兰妮也成为当时卡拉OK里点播率最高的女歌手,毫无疑问的稳坐当时欧美女歌手的头把交椅。


可爱的布兰妮4岁时就在家乡的教堂里初放歌喉,演唱《这个孩子是干什么的》(What Child Is This)。然而那时,在场的人谁也没想到这个小女孩日后会轰动全世界。1989年,布兰妮在母亲的陪伴下怀着美好的梦想,来到了亚特兰大,参加迪斯尼公司下属的“米奇老鼠俱乐部”(Mickey Mouse Club,简称MMC)的选秀。仅有8岁的布兰妮虽未入选,但她出色的演唱天分却被制作人慧眼相中,开始对她进行了为期三年的专门培训。这三年里,布兰妮在纽约的非百老汇舞蹈中心和职业表演艺术学校接受了严格而又专业的艺术培训,这为她以后的演艺事业打下了坚实基础。1991年她还在非百老汇(Off Broadway)的舞台剧《冷酷无情》(Ruthless)中扮演一个渴望成为明星的少女角色。

1992年,11岁的布兰妮终于成为了MMC的一名正式演员,开始了各地的环游表演,唱歌、跳舞、上电视。在MMC的这段日子是美好的,同为俱乐部的小演员有日后成为她恋人的贾斯汀·汀布莱克(Justin Timberlake,“超级男孩”N’Sync的主音歌手)、乔舒亚·JC·查塞(Joshua JC Chasez,“超级男孩”成员)和歌坛竞争对手的克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉(Christina Aguilera)以及歌手凯瑞·罗素(Keri Russell)等。

1993年,MMC被解散,布兰妮回到了家乡,进入一所普通中学读书。但布兰妮如同其他MMC的成员,很快就耐不住平静的学习环境,她忘不了歌舞激昂的感觉。15岁那年,她又重返纽约,并参加了一个女子演唱组。不久,Jive唱片公司的一名制作人听了布兰妮录制的音带后,随即与她签约,并把她引见给了著名音乐制作人埃里克·弗斯特·怀特(Eric Foster White),这可是为“男孩地带”(Boyzone)、Hi-Five及惠特妮·休斯顿(Whitney Houston)负责音乐制作的大牌音乐人。同时她还远赴瑞典寻求著名制作人马克斯·马丁(Max Martin)的支持,此君在乐坛也是大名鼎鼎的人物,制作包装了“后街男孩”(Backstreet Boys)、瑞典组合“Ace of Base”、罗宾(Robyn)以及“超级男孩”。在音乐界两位大腕的合作下,1998年初,布兰妮为Jive公司出的第一张个人专辑《……宝贝,再爱我一次》(…Baby,One More Time)完成。

她的出道单曲让当年的许多人震撼了一把,而后的一段时间她消失在舞台上,却又很久也没听她的歌了——但狗仔队的彻底的疯狂追逐,其实让你很难将她彻底遗忘。如果说之前一张电音十足的专辑呛味也十足,那么就像一切关于她的八卦新闻那样的快餐文化,2008年她生日当天发行的这张《Circus大爱马戏团》似乎抹去了一切乌云,过去的她似乎真的回归了,颇有早期风格的编曲让人不禁想多听几遍。或许这首柔软抒情的《Out from under》正是她向所有人唱出的真挚心声,又或者这也不过是一个烟雾弹。有人说她是个“作女”——无风也起浪。但你得承认,全美国乃至全世界,确实也只有这样一位布兰妮。



Robyn,新生代设计师品牌,由BERNINI GROUP创意总监Robyn Hung 洪英妮创办。

出自洪英妮设计手笔的Robyn服饰仿佛她的“旅行笔记”,视角客观却兼收并蓄,融合了民族风情,又渗透着设计师特有的趣味审美与流行感受。正如洪英妮所说, “我们不是跟着流行走的品牌;我们要带着时尚去旅行”。



Robyn品牌创始人Robyn Hung洪英妮,毕业于英国伦敦时装学院London University of Fashion。出身纺织世家的洪英妮, 亦对服装设计日益产生浓浓兴趣。 当同龄的豆蔻少女还在迷恋芭比娃娃,洪英妮已开始接受正统的学院派训练。她深受荷兰画家Vermeer故事性构图的影响, 不仅以色彩传达巴洛克式的炫耀华丽,还结合电影画面“前景与后景”的风格运用, 日渐形成Robyn品牌独特、鲜明的设计风格。

洪英妮身兼设计师与旅行家,她的足迹几乎踏遍欧洲各国, 更延伸至美洲大陆。她由不同的文化土壤中汲取多元养分。在环球旅行中,洪英妮独钟英伦魅力, 她笑称自己患有“无法治愈的英伦狂爱症”。




Robyn的《electric》 歌词



专辑:my truth


It's electric

It's a natural high


We don't always know why


Keep your ego aside

Well it's electric

It's a thing you can't deny

Blood boils without fire

Day come, day go

Without your desire

Disturbs the flow

When in denial

Night falls,

Falls to take you higher

It's electric

It's a natural high


We don't always know why


Keep your ego aside

Well it's electric

It's the thing you can't deny

A hard question

Needs an easy answer

Recognize, accept no need to censor

The harder the fall

The higher the bounce

Smooth moves

Keeps your buoyancy

Yeah, keeps your balance

Ohh ah

It's electric

It's a natural high


We don't always know why


Keep your ego aside

Well it's electric

It's the thing you can't deny



Electric (can't deny that it's so)

Electric (it's electric)

Electric (oooh yeah yeah yeah)

In the eyes of a child

And the love that moves

The sun and the stars above

That race your heart

Somebody dies

And you have to cry

When you think this is it

And then some other

Shit just happens

Yeah, it just happens, happens

That's when

It's electric

It's a natural high


We don't always know why


Keep your ego aside

Well it's electric

It's the thing you can't deny

It's electric

It's a natural high


We don't always know why


Keep your ego aside

Well it's electric

It's the thing you can't deny



ROBYN HUNG是新生代服饰品牌,甫从英伦载誉归国的洪英妮(ROBYN),与著名的服饰品牌Christian Dior,现任设计师John Galliano以及名设计师ClementsRiberiro同师出于伦敦著名的服装学院—LONDON UNIVERSITY OF FASHION。

爱旅行的ROBYN以灵感记录了每一个城市的律动,再每一季都深入不同的民族,体会并采撷不同的文化元素,结合时尚而贯穿的设计理念,ROBYN HUNG的服饰总流露出GLOBAL STYLE的风情,藉以呈现个人独特的穿衣品味。


是台湾的服饰品牌,1999年ROBYN HUNG品牌成立

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