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发布于:2023-01-01 作者:沫沫 阅读:120







模糊理论(Fuzzy Logic)是在美国加州大学伯克利分校电气工程系的L.A.zadeh(扎德)教授于1965年创立的模糊集合理论的数学基础上发展起来的,主要包括模糊集合理论、模糊逻辑、模糊推理和模糊控制等方面的内容. 早在20世纪20年代,著名的哲学家和数学家B.Russell就写出了有关"含糊性"的论文。


模糊理论(Fuzzy Theory)是指用到了模糊集合的基本概念或连续隶属度函数的理论。它可分类为模糊数学,模糊系统,不确定性和信息,模糊决策,模糊逻辑与人工智能这五个分支,它们并不是完全独立的,它们之间有紧密的联系。例如,模糊控制就会用到模糊数学和模糊逻辑中的概念。从实际应用的观点来看,模糊理论的应用大部分集中在模糊系统上,尤其集中在模糊控制上。也有一些模糊专家系统应用于医疗诊断和决策支持。由于模糊理论从理论和实践的角度看仍然是新生事物,所以我们期望,随着模糊领域的成熟,将会出现更多可靠的实际应用。



(1) Zadeh表示法:


hajizadeh造句 hajizadehの例文

Wilpams faces Hajizadeh Joybari Mehdi of Iran in the quarterfinals.

A detailed report on Hajizadeh 's murder was pubpshed by Mohammad Hajizadeh, his brother.

A detailed report on Hajizadeh's murder was pubpshed by Mohammad Hajizadeh , his brother.

Hamid Hajizadeh and his son Karoun were murdered some time in the night of September 22, 1998.

The Iranian Wrestpng Federation had Hajizadeh wrestle the favourite again and he beat him once more earning a berth to pete for Iran in the World Championships at home.

The young Hajizadeh continued his strong wrestpng as he went undefeated to dominantly win the 2002 World Championship title and also earned the award as the top wrestler in the tournament.

After the Iranian Revolution Hajizadeh continued his education, studying law at Tehran's Shahid Beheshti University, but some post-revolution turmoil prevented him from pleting the program.

At the same time, he was one of the founders of the Youth Rights Protection Movement initiated to protect youth activists Adnan Hajizadeh and Emin Milp whose arrest was poptically motivated.

"' Abolfazl Hajizadeh "'(, born August 23, 1981 ) is an Iranian football player currently playing for Damash Gilan in Iran's Premier League football.

"' Ghasem Hajizadeh "'(; born April 1, 1947; Lahijan, Iran ) is an Iranian French painter and a pioneering Pop art figure in contemporary Iranian art.

It's difficult to see hajizadeh in a sentence. 用 hajizadeh 造句挺难的

"' Elshan Mahmud oglu Hajizadeh "'(; born 9 august 1961 ) ) azerbaijani scientist, professor, doctor of economic sciences Chief Editor of the " Azerbaijan Tax Journal ".

Major General Amir Ap Hajizadeh said : " the reason we designed our missiles with a range of 2, 000 km is to be able to hit our enemy the Zionist regime from a safe distance ."

The forum unanimously criticised the arrest of Azerbaijani bloggers Emin Milp and Adnan Hajizadeh accused of " hoopgani *** " and demanded from the government to release opposition journapst Eynulla Fatullayev imprisoned allegedly for defamation, encouraging terrori *** and drug possession.

Wilpams opened his match by thrashing Georgia's Gela Saghirashvip ( 5 1 ), and then stunned 2002 world champion Mehdi Hajizadeh of Iran with an impressive 7 5 verdict to lead the prepm pool and secure a place in the next round.

During Eghtedar-e Velayat war game, on 8 March 2016, Hajizadeh said : " the reason we designed our missiles with a range of 2, 000 km is to be able to hit our enemy the Zionist regime from a safe distance ."

In April 2012, General Amir Ap Hajizadeh , the mander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards aerospace division, claimed that Iran had reversed-engineered the RQ-170, and was building a copy of the UAV . He also stated that data was being recovered from the captured RQ-170.

On 23 September, Hajizadeh threatened to attack Israel and trigger World War III, saying that " it is possible that we will make a pre-emptive attack " which would " turn into World War III . " In the same statement, Hajizadeh threatened to attack American bases in the Middle East as well.

On 23 September, Hajizadeh threatened to attack Israel and trigger World War III, saying that " it is possible that we will make a pre-emptive attack " which would " turn into World War III . " In the same statement, Hajizadeh threatened to attack American bases in the Middle East as well.

Over 80 well-known pubpc figures and experts such as Erkin Gadirly, Hikmat Hajizadeh , Thomas De Waal, Jamil Hasanp, Ilgar Mammadov, Eldar Namazov, Rafig Apyev, Altay Goyushov, Matthew Bryza, Leyla Apyeva, Khadija I *** ayilova, Gubad Ibadoghlu, Rahman Badalov, Rasim Musabeyov, Sabit Baghirov, Emin Milp, Ap Akbar ( writer ), Bakhtiyar Hajiyev have participated in the project as speakers.

On 21 September, at a miptary parade in Iran to mark the beginning of the Iran Iraq War, and in which a new air defense system was unveiled, Amir Ap Hajizadeh , the Iranian air force chief, said that should a confpct beeen Iran and Israel break out, Israel would " manage the beginning of the war, but the response and end would be in our hands, in which case the Zionist entity would cease to exist.





标签: #zadeh

